
Siding Tatajuba


Siding Tatajuba has the highest density around the façade profiles from the collection EVER. Its color is yellow and it is gradually becoming danker under the sun.

Технически характеристики:

  • Relevant weight of wet wood: 1100 kg/m3
  • Relevant weight under 12% moisture: 800 kg/m3
  • Volumetric shrinkage: 11.0%
  • Tangential shrinkage (T): 5,2%
  • Radial shrinkage (R): 3,7%
  • Compressive strength: 78 N/m2
  • Resistance to sagging: 121 N/m2
  • Module of elasticity : 21490 N/m2

сайдинг Татажуба

сайдинг Татажуба

сайдинг Татажуба

сайдинг Татажуба

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